I finished Cities of the Plain, the final instalment of The Border Trilogy last night. I have raved previously about Cormac McCarthy but my admiration is now even stronger. This is a magnificent, beautiful and affecting novel. Before I started blogging today I amended my profile to include the trilogy in my list of favourite books. It's that good. You should read it if you haven't already done so and I won't spoil the ending for you but suffice it to say that it is painful, moving and quite superbly written. The only problem with writing this good is that it puts you off writing yourself because you can never hold a candle to it.

As the golf endured a break for unplayable conditions yesterday afternoon the guilt took over and I headed off for another run. Rather optimistically I had originally been planning to go out in the evening but, in truth, I think I was getting so desperate for a glass of malbec that I had to bring the torture forward. I'm afraid my vaulting ambition rather o'erleapt itself, most particularly I had greatly overestimated my capacity to run up hills. The result was a strained calf muscle which should act as a decent excuse not to inflict my lycra on the locals today. I will treat it by the internal application of rioja. This has never been known to fail and is strongly recommended by the athletic class I inhabit.
A bit of politics to finish. Listened to Any Questions whilst washing up and I've found someone who annoys me even more than Harriet Harman. At least she gives every impression that she would know how to behave if she came to your house. Derek Simpson (Joint General Secretary of Unite - 200k pa plus grace and favour house for life) was on the panel and one is forced to say, what a prize git. He clearly hadn't even troubled to learn the names of his fellow panellists and in his delivery he came across as ignorant, aggressive and bigoted. I learn that he was a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain until its dissolution in the early 90s. God preserve us. He made me long to hear that other git Charlie Whelan instead. Noone has ever previously had this effect.
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