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Sunday, 12 April 2015

So That Went Well

Sorry folks, the burden of carrying the OG's money was too much for the McManus pair, but at least they both finished - in fifth and eighth. I will now gracefully abandon my role as internet tipster.

boy's toy
Brilliant article in this week's Spectator by the estimable Rod Liddle - Jihadi Bride. Unpleasant truths are better aired.

We are starting to feel the benefit of our remodelled garden (paid labour did it not I) and yesterday I cut the newly laid lawn for the very first time. I've probably eulogised petrol mowers before but it has to be conceded that cutting a weed free sward is yet more rewarding. Get a load of those stripes.

1 comment:

  1. I did happen to notice as I flew in this pm from espagna. However dear boy I must point out that the stripe second from left was far from acceptable. This only led me to conclude that as refreshment you used the much feted bottle of Barolo, which you finished just before the second from left as you were giggly tiddly!
    I fly out again on Friday back Wednesday and expect the damage to be corrected!!
    Ps if you come across some suitable ammo from the lakes that I can return to their natural habitat inIreland then count me in for a half a bagful!
