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Friday 14 June 2024

An Attack Of Ennui

I'm bored, bloody bored, and I think much of the country shares my feelings.

I am a political animal but never before have I found a General Election campaign so disspiriting. Can anybody actually tell me what Keir Starmer believes in? Has he undergone the most damascene of damescene conversions? Was he just telling a pack of lies when he so faithfully acted as lieutenant to that prize clown Jeremy Corbyn in the last election?

Can anybody actually tell me what Rishi Sunak believes in? He seems a nice enough bloke but is a prisoner of a party that has sold its soul to a bunch of amoral spivs. And talking of spivs, well that Nigel Farage is back on the scene. He is the only influential politician (I'm afraid I discount the Greens and the Liberals from this category) from whom you get honest unmediated answers. The problem is that his answers are so often on the nationalist side of fascist. Nor should we ignore the fact that he regards Donald Trump as a mate.

I'm bored, bloody bored. 

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