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Friday 25 June 2010

A Pleasant Surprise

A new tyre fitted without fuss, without any accompanying sales pitch and within an hour of me turning up on spec. Only forty-four of your English pounds. I repeat, £44. Garages can strike terror into the hearts of the ignorant (among whose number I definitely count myself) but this was a pleasant experience. There is much I can moan about (admit it, you've noticed haven't you) but praise where praise is due - National Tyres at Mere Green you did what I asked and did it quickly and politely. Your reward is product endorsement on The Overgraduate, an accolade only previously granted to Guinness. My faith in my fellow man is almost restored. I did say almost.


  1. My turn next - No.1 son has announced his front tyres are bald so a cop has told him! What a surprise when he drives like a trainee rally driver at all times. I will inform them in Mere Green of their new fame and report back as to my retail experience.

  2. I thought Brain major was at Liverpool University. Why doesn't he use his education and go out and nick some new wheels?
