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Monday 12 September 2016

A Northern Interlude V

I am home now, after a diverted lengthy drive home yesterday evening - diverted due to a lorry that had made a horrible looking attempt to vault off a motorway bridge. Mucho traffico.

By the last day of the conference I was running on fumes. Coffee fumes. All in all it had been worthwhile. I learned much - sadly this included conclusions about my own limitations.

Dernier jour: chapeaux, toujours les chapeaux. Chapeau Nombre Un, il porte aussi les lunettes de soleil - dedans. A chacun son gout. Shortly after scrawling these words in my notebook I happen to find myself at a seminar addressed by Chapeau Un. He is very good. At this point he wears his hat but not the sunglasses.

Barrie Rutter
The day is bookended by two contrasting but equally brilliant lectures: Susan Bassnett on translation, and Barrie Rutter on his theatrical life. The latter sends us all on our way with a smile. Which is precisely the right way to finish. Thanks to all who put on this mammoth slug of Shakespeareana. I feel wiser and humbler. And bloody knackered.

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