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Monday 2 July 2018

Days Of Wonder

I know you like me to keep you up to date with what is wrong with the world, keep you posted on endemic assininity. But you might also have gathered that planet earth is so beset by shitiness that it has become tiresome to highlight it - so good news, I'm not going to bother. Instead I'm pleased to report on some good days under the broiling English sun.

The QMT (Question Mark Trophy - it's a long story) tour took our particular brand of shoddy golf to Bridgnorth Golf Club. An excellent venue even if BH was dissatisfied with his breakfast egg, angst exacerbated by a wooden bench later collapsing under his welter weight. All of this organised superbly by my brother Bill, with AK winning the fabled trophy. As for Big Fat Pig, well I played very badly but had a great time and didn't fall into any ditches - which judging by my own disreputable standards is a triumph. As for the course, definitely recommended with its four dauntingly hilly holes on one side of the road and the remainder chokingly tree-lined on the other. Bosting track as they say in Bloxwich.

After two sleep-deprived nights (the first drinking on tour, the second providing a lift home to the Groupie who was at an awards dinner - she's so important) it was a tired Pig who headed to that London on Saturday to join both daughters in celebrating the thirtieth birthday of Daughter Number One. This took the form of an excellent lunch at The Ivy Cafe on Marylebone Lane. Only one tiny complaint - my bloody mary lacked oomph but this was a minor blemish. Food excellent, main drink (the house champagne) the same, and service even better.. Definitely recommended. Bosting caff as they say in Bloxwich.

Next on the agenda is a flying visit to the country estate where some surplus furniture is being collected. I will be travelling in the Precious Jag subject to the imminent fitting of a new battery. I shall wear my Oakleys. Quel dude as they say in Bloxwich.

Nice to note by the way that a hero of this blog, Cris Froome, has been exonerated of doping charges. This will not prevent the jealous French from attacking him during the Tour de France. Plus ca change.

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