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Monday 8 January 2024

New Year Resolutions And Other Garbage

I do have some resolutions but my main one is not to share my resolutions with anyone. Some things are best internalised.

Which, you might think, would be an end to this blog. But no, I promised some other garbage so here it goes. Something is rotten in the state of Britain, indeed in Northern Ireland as well, if we are to be terminologically correct.

Why are there so many bloody potholes on our roads? Why are junior doctors on strike? Why are standards of public behaviour so lamentable? Knife crime? I could go on but you know where I'm coming from. And this is not some churlish new year hangover-induced melancholia. No, I'm actually that most unusual of people - one who likes January. With my rose-tinted backward-facing goggles I reminisce fondly of fields of January mud that slowed the game to my pace and allowed me to play some of my best rugby. As I say, rose-tinted goggles.

I'm trying really hard to be fair about this but is there anyone in our political class about wehom I can feel sanguine, never mind admiring? Rishi Sunak is plainly a bright bloke but he seems to have fallen captive to what the spin doctors feel should be his public persona. Thus he meanders around the questions that are put to him and simply comes across as shit-scared, rabbit-in-the-headlights awful. Mind you the quality of political interviewing leaves much to be desired. Oh for those Sunday lunchtme Brian Walden interviews where seriousness was prized above assinine point-scoring. What about Keir Starmer I hear you say. Well (and I will concede that he has a point) he is so plainly scared of putting his foot in it that he finds new and more boring ways of saying precisely nothing. It will be an achievement of staggering imbecility if he manges to lose the upcoming election, opposed as he is by a shower-of-shit Tory party.

Could be worse - we might be in America and faced with the possibility of a second dose of Trump. I have decided that 'vulgar' is the mot juste. 'Dangerous' and 'evil' are equally apt. 

OG advises that you follow his lead - keep your head down and seek out the many reasons that still exist for being happy. Don't let the bastards wear you down. As a starting point you might like to note that the utterly brilliant and charming Paddington 2 is available on iPlayer for twenty-one days. 

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