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Wednesday 6 May 2015

General Election II: Labour

Somewhere in my archive (ok it's a collection of mouldering boxes) is my copy of the 1983 Labour Manifesto, memorably described as the longest suicide note in political history. Plain, stark-staring bonkers it may have been but at least, as I recall, it was literate. Its 2015 cousin is full of grammatical infelicities. Now these things probably don't matter to many people aside from me but it betrays a concerning lack of sincerity. The Labour Party is at its best when it is being socialist but even with Red Ed in charge they have lost the courage of their convictions. Instead we have the party of Ed Balls and Harriet Harman. God help us.

For what it is worth I believe Ed Miliband when he says "The fundamental truth that runs through this manifesto is that Britain will only succeed when working people succeed." I'm afraid I also strongly believe that he is worse equipped than even Cameron to deliver on the standard sententious drivel.

Now I have to have a rest and gather my strength to opine on the rest of the clowns. Actually they're not all clowns but I think you'll be mildly surprised in whose direction I doff my cap.  

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